Benchmark Application Source Code

This page contains a copy of the source code of the benchmark applications used in the thesis:
Jiasi Shen. 2022. Program Inference and Regeneration via Active Learning. Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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Benchmarks (zip)

The zip file contains the following code repositories.

In railscollab/: RailsCollab Project Manager

Original Ruby on Rails application on Github:

Git commit: 9f6c8c12c990e39411e060879589006bde086ace

In kanban/: Kanban Task Manager

Original Ruby on Rails application on Github:

Git commit: 0660e77aa3734210d06aa2c8e0a444798e8eb862

In todo/: Todo Task Manager

Original Ruby on Rails application on Github:

Git commit: af9bc2f6e95452c23e9cb2cdb25f8427a41f998c

In fulcrum/: Fulcrum Task Manager

Original Ruby on Rails application on Github:

Git commit: dd4e59ec24c6f45d018fd2436c01836a04b15fef

In kandan/: Kandan Chat Room

Original Ruby on Rails application on Github:

Git commit: 380efafdf220fb7b14a097867a333b37d86e9c0b

In enki/: Enki Blogging Application

Original Ruby on Rails application on Github:

Git commit: e70af252596f4123761bf389d371fe1b73611b73

In blog/: Blog

Original Ruby on Rails example application:

In studentdb/: Student Registration

This Java application was adapted from an earlier version of a program developed by the MITRE Corporation. The version was developed specifically for studying the detection and nullification of SQL injection attacks. In the test suite titled "IARPA STONESOUP Phase 1 - Injection for Java" (, the version "TC_Java_89_m100" is the most similar to the program that we used and implements largely the same functionality.